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Bruce Lamb | HBA '85, Search Engine Optimization, Horseback Rider (Eventer, Polo), Marathon Runner, Old-timer Hockey Player, Lions Club Member - London Ontario
Welcome to my personal web site.
I'm not quite sure who would be remotely interested in my personal details, but just in case...
- I was born in in London Ontario on December 27, 1962. Yes, in case you were wondering, it did suck growing up with a birthday that was 2 days after Christmas!
- My first home (of which I have little recollection) was at the corner of Princess Ave and Waterloo Street in London.
- I was baptized and confirmed in St. Pauls Cathedral in London.
- In 1965, my parents purchased The Cedars from my grandmother and her sisters. The property had been in the family since Herbert A. Sabine purchased it back in 1906. Here is a news report on CTV News that aired in October 2014 that provides a synopsis of my goal to have the home restored after 35 years of neglect. We were able to get The Cedars designated under the Heritage Act of Ontario in 2015.
- I went to John Dearness Public School between 1967 and 1976, and then Oakridge Secondary School between 1976 and 1981
- I finished high school a semester early, so in late January 1981, I drove to Calgary to find work in the oil patch. I ended up getting a job with Dome Petroleum, stationed in Estevan Saskatchewan. I worked in their Producers Pipeline division on pipeline operations, and worked there for the summers of 1982 and 1983 as well. For the summer of 1984, I worked for a professor at the Ivey Business School.
- I attended the University of Western Ontario in 1981 and graduated from the Ivey Business School in 1985. It is here that I met my wife, Jennifer (Chadwick) Lamb.
- Jenny and I married at East Plains United Church in Burlington Ontario on May 9, 1987.
- We started Lamb Computer Systems Inc. (operating as Automated Design Systems) on May 11, 1988. We were a dealer for Autodesk, selling AutoCAD software, training and related hardware. We grew the company to 11 offices across Canada and peak sales of $7 million.
- Our daughter Karen was born on July 8, 1990.
- Our daughter Tori was born on August 19, 1992.
- I was voted in as an Alderman within the Township of West Lincoln within the Region of Niagara in 1991. I was the only new member of council at that time. I was re-elected in 1994 and was the only returning member of council during that election. I (voluntarily) retired from municipal council in 1997.
- We started what is now Avalanche Search Marketing Inc. in 1999.
- In 2006, we built a wonderful new home outside of Lucan Ontario on 19 acres of land that we purchased from my mother.
- In 2015, we purchased a 50 acre parcel on Sunningdale Road, just northwest of the Hyde Park area of London Ontario. We have 29 workable acres that we share-crop with a local farmer. We store cars over the winter months in the arena that is attached to our barn. We are in the process of doing renovations to the house, which was built around 1970, and I'm almost done (as of April 2023) building my training fences for Eventing with my horses.
- Jenny, the girls and I are avid runners. Jenny has run 4 marathons (including running the Boston Marathon twice) and I have run 24 marathons (as of April 2023) including 5 Bostons. My personal best time is 3:24:37 (Erie, 2015). Tori has done 3 Half Marathons, and Karen has run 4 Halfs as well as the Around the Bay 30K road race. Both girls have taken part in multiple 300 km "ultra-relay" teams as well. One of my claims-to-fame is that if you search in Google for "crashing at the end of the Boston Marathon", my Youtube video is the top result!
- Tori and I love riding horses. She does Western gaming, while I do Eventing and play polo. Here is a video of part of the Cross Country run I did at an Event in May of 2014 at Will O' Wind, the site of the Cross Country for the 2015 Pan-Am games. Here is a helmetCam view of Gamble and me at the 2017 Bromont CCI* cross country. And here is a helmetCam of a polo match at Gray Ridge, north of London in 2013. Tori and I have recently been helping out at Western University Mustangs football games -- galloping around the track when a touchdown is scored. Here is a recent video, and a clip from CTV News that includes an interview with Tori (at 1:17 in the clip).
- Zoomer Magazine did a bit of a promotion of what old geezers like me are doing to keep active back in 2018. Here is a 30 second clip of me and Gamble, and a longer 2 minute promotion of Gamble and me that Zoomer Magazine put together on Facebook.
- I love playing, watching, talking about and reading about hockey, which is the best team sport in the history of the world, in my humble opinion.
This season, the Leafs are going all the way -- really, really!
- I've been a member of the Lucan District Lions Club since roughly 2006. We raise money for all sorts of worthy causes. I was President of the club from 2012 to 2014.
- I started the Lucan Area Trails Association back in 2010.
- I have been a "special skills extra" (horseback rider) for the television series, Reign. Here is a clip from Reign -- galloping in on the right side of the screen, and then throwing some instruments of torture on the stage. And another clip here -- at risk as being typecast as an angry horseback-riding guard!
- I help out with the Entrepreneurship program at the Ivey Business School at Western University, both as an "Entrepreneur-in-Residence" and in judging in case competitions and business plans. I am also a guest lecturer on digital marketing and analysis once a year. Here is a recording of a digital marketing webinar that I did during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- It was an honour to be asked to volunteer at the Invictus Games in September 2017 in Toronto. This competition, the goal of which is to help 'wounded warriors' heal through the power of sport, was an amazing experience. Veterans -- many missing multiple limbs -- competed in a wide range of sports. I was volunteering at the swimming competition.
- Jenny passed away from ovarian cancer on August 15, 2023. The saddest day of my life, without question, and I miss her every single day.
- As of 2024, I am on the National Council for the Canadian Future Party, a new national centrist political party that is trying to bring some common sense back to governance in this country.
Here are some links to items that may be of interest and with which I'm involved:
The Cedars -- The home where I grew up across from Springbank Park in London Ontario
My Horse Trials (Eventing) Training Blog
Boston Marathon training blog
Our search engine optimization brand, AvalancheSearch (marketing site)
My Facebook page
My Youtube page
My LinkedIn page
Lucan Area Trails Association
Lucan St. Patricks Day Dance
If you need to reach me, try me at 1-416-823-6095 or email me at brucelamb62ATgmailDOTcom.
Erie Marathon, September 2015
Bromont CCI* Three Day Event, June 2017